Category: TransistorsDiodes


BUY FZT949TA https://www.utsource.net/itm/p/11295100.html
FZT949TA PNP transistors(BJT) -50V -6A 100MHz 100~300 -440mV/-0.44V SOT-223 marking FZT949 high current/low saturation voltage
The FZT949TA is a PNP transistor manufactured by Zetex. It is a surface mount device in a SOT-223 package. Description: The FZT949TA is a PNP transistor designed for use in audio amplifier and switching applications. It has a maximum collector-emitter voltage of 40V and a maximum collector current of 1.5A. Features: Low noise High gain Low saturation voltage Low collector-emitter saturation voltage High collector-emitter breakdown voltage Low collector-base capacitance High switching speed Applications: The FZT949TA is suitable for use in audio amplifiers, switching applications, and other general purpose applications. It can be used in automotive, industrial, and consumer electronics. (For reference only)

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