

Parameter Description Value/Range
Package Type Type of package TQFP-44 (0.8mm pitch)
Operating Voltage (Vcc) Supply voltage range 4.5V to 5.5V
Clock Frequency Maximum clock frequency 16 MHz
Flash Memory Program memory size 128 KB
I/O Pins Number of I/O pins 32
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Number of ADC channels 8 (10-bit resolution)
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Number of DAC channels Not available
Timers/Counters Number of timers/counters 3 (2 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit)
USARTs Number of USART interfaces 2
SPI Interface SPI interface availability Yes
TWI Interface TWI (I2C) interface availability Yes
Watchdog Timer Watchdog timer availability Yes
Power Consumption Active mode power consumption (16 MHz, 5V) 15 mA
Temperature Range Operating temperature range -40°C to 85°C
Programming Interface In-system programming interface ISP (In-System Programming)
Reset Pin External reset pin availability Yes
Brown-out Detection Brown-out detection availability Yes

Instructions for Using ATMEGA128-16AU

  1. Power Supply:

    • Connect the Vcc pin to a 4.5V to 5.5V power supply.
    • Connect the GND pin to ground.
  2. Clock Configuration:

    • Use an external crystal or resonator for the clock source, or configure the internal RC oscillator.
    • Connect the crystal to the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins if using an external crystal.
  3. Programming:

    • Use an ISP programmer to program the ATMEGA128-16AU.
    • Connect the ISP programmer to the ISP header (MISO, MOSI, SCK, RESET, Vcc, GND).
  4. Reset:

    • Apply a low signal to the RESET pin to reset the microcontroller.
    • A pull-up resistor is recommended on the RESET pin to prevent accidental resets.
  5. Brown-out Detection:

    • Enable brown-out detection in the fuse settings to protect against low voltage conditions.
  6. I/O Configuration:

    • Configure the I/O pins as input or output using the DDRx registers.
    • Set the initial state of the pins using the PORTx registers.
  7. ADC Configuration:

    • Configure the ADC using the ADMUX, ADCSRA, and ADCSRB registers.
    • Select the desired channel and start the conversion.
  8. Timer/Counter Configuration:

    • Configure the timers/counters using the TCCRnx and TCNTnx registers.
    • Set the prescaler and compare match values as needed.
  9. USART Configuration:

    • Configure the USART using the UBRRL, UBRRH, UCSRA, UCSRB, and UCSRC registers.
    • Set the baud rate, data format, and enable the transmitter/receiver.
  10. SPI Configuration:

    • Configure the SPI using the SPCR and SPSR registers.
    • Set the master/slave mode, clock rate, and data order.
  11. TWI Configuration:

    • Configure the TWI (I2C) using the TWBR, TWSR, and TWAR registers.
    • Set the bit rate and slave address.
  12. Watchdog Timer:

    • Enable the watchdog timer using the WDTCSR register.
    • Set the timeout period and reset the timer as needed.
  13. Interrupts:

    • Enable interrupts using the GICR and GIFR registers.
    • Write interrupt service routines (ISRs) for handling specific interrupts.
  14. EEPROM Operations:

    • Use the EEARL, EEARH, EEDR, EECR registers to read from and write to the EEPROM.
    • Ensure proper wait states are used during EEPROM operations to avoid corruption.
  15. Power Management:

    • Use sleep modes to reduce power consumption when the microcontroller is idle.
    • Configure the sleep mode using the MCUCR register and enable it with the SE bit in the SMCRA register.

By following these instructions, you can effectively use the ATMEGA128-16AU in your embedded systems projects.

(For reference only)

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