Parameter | Description | Value/Range |
Package Type | Type of package | TQFP-44 (0.8mm pitch) |
Operating Voltage (Vcc) | Supply voltage range | 4.5V to 5.5V |
Clock Frequency | Maximum clock frequency | 16 MHz |
Flash Memory | Program memory size | 128 KB |
EEPROM | EEPROM size | 4 KB |
SRAM | SRAM size | 4 KB |
I/O Pins | Number of I/O pins | 32 |
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) | Number of ADC channels | 8 (10-bit resolution) |
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) | Number of DAC channels | Not available |
Timers/Counters | Number of timers/counters | 3 (2 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit) |
USARTs | Number of USART interfaces | 2 |
SPI Interface | SPI interface availability | Yes |
TWI Interface | TWI (I2C) interface availability | Yes |
Watchdog Timer | Watchdog timer availability | Yes |
Power Consumption | Active mode power consumption (16 MHz, 5V) | 15 mA |
Temperature Range | Operating temperature range | -40°C to 85°C |
Programming Interface | In-system programming interface | ISP (In-System Programming) |
Reset Pin | External reset pin availability | Yes |
Brown-out Detection | Brown-out detection availability | Yes |
Instructions for Using ATMEGA128-16AU
Power Supply:
- Connect the Vcc pin to a 4.5V to 5.5V power supply.
- Connect the GND pin to ground.
Clock Configuration:
- Use an external crystal or resonator for the clock source, or configure the internal RC oscillator.
- Connect the crystal to the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins if using an external crystal.
- Use an ISP programmer to program the ATMEGA128-16AU.
- Connect the ISP programmer to the ISP header (MISO, MOSI, SCK, RESET, Vcc, GND).
- Apply a low signal to the RESET pin to reset the microcontroller.
- A pull-up resistor is recommended on the RESET pin to prevent accidental resets.
Brown-out Detection:
- Enable brown-out detection in the fuse settings to protect against low voltage conditions.
I/O Configuration:
- Configure the I/O pins as input or output using the DDRx registers.
- Set the initial state of the pins using the PORTx registers.
ADC Configuration:
- Configure the ADC using the ADMUX, ADCSRA, and ADCSRB registers.
- Select the desired channel and start the conversion.
Timer/Counter Configuration:
- Configure the timers/counters using the TCCRnx and TCNTnx registers.
- Set the prescaler and compare match values as needed.
USART Configuration:
- Configure the USART using the UBRRL, UBRRH, UCSRA, UCSRB, and UCSRC registers.
- Set the baud rate, data format, and enable the transmitter/receiver.
SPI Configuration:
- Configure the SPI using the SPCR and SPSR registers.
- Set the master/slave mode, clock rate, and data order.
TWI Configuration:
- Configure the TWI (I2C) using the TWBR, TWSR, and TWAR registers.
- Set the bit rate and slave address.
Watchdog Timer:
- Enable the watchdog timer using the WDTCSR register.
- Set the timeout period and reset the timer as needed.
- Enable interrupts using the GICR and GIFR registers.
- Write interrupt service routines (ISRs) for handling specific interrupts.
EEPROM Operations:
- Use the EEARL, EEARH, EEDR, EECR registers to read from and write to the EEPROM.
- Ensure proper wait states are used during EEPROM operations to avoid corruption.
Power Management:
- Use sleep modes to reduce power consumption when the microcontroller is idle.
- Configure the sleep mode using the MCUCR register and enable it with the SE bit in the SMCRA register.
By following these instructions, you can effectively use the ATMEGA128-16AU in your embedded systems projects.
(For reference only)View more about ATMEGA128-16AU on main site